My Husbands Famous Words {Murfreesboro Children's Photographer}

As a wife I try so hard to meet the expectations of my mother-in-law.  My husband is constantly saying how his moms is better.  It doesn't matter what it is, folding laundry, baking cookies, washing the floors, his mom always does it better.  I suppose the only way for everything to be the "right way" is to be his mom.  He is going to have to learn how to deal with "mediocre".  One day I was making my boys pb&j for lunch and my husband quickly responds with "you are making that wrong".  REALLY!?  how in the world can you mess up a pb&J?  Apparently spreading peanut butter on one slice and jelly on the other is incorrect, who knew.  A few days passed or months, who knows, but the roles were reversed, my husband now making the sandwiches.  He spreads on the peanut butter and then on the same piece of bread, right on top of the peanut butter he applies the jelly.  My son notices the difference and quickly responds, you are making that wrong!!!!  This really got me thinking, there is no reason for me to do everything as well as my mother-in-law because one day my way will be the best.  


Murfreesboro TN photographer stuck in the NY snow......

Currently stuck in NY due to crazy weather, so when life gives you lemons.  We are NY natives and our children born in TN so this is a rare occasion for our boys.  We have spent 2 awesome weeks with our family for Christmas one of which we were all sick.  Of course this is when the snow came and no one could go outside to play.  We finally all get better and the snow disappears, but we are in NY so of course it will come, right? The days came and went with no snow in sight, the morning arrives that we are suppose to journey back to TN and we awake to a winter wonderland, thus leaving us stuck in NY.  My oldest son was so excited, he said he had dreamed for all this snow.  Well sweet little one dreams do come true, or at least his did. 


His little feet and BIG snow pants, of course I couldn't resist but to capture it.  


and of course I had to pull out a selfie when I saw my reflection in this building.


These images below were not taken on the same day, but we did play in a little snow before embarking on another adventure.  This is something I want to carry on with my kids and hope they do the same with theirs.  My grandpa who is no longer with us, but has left some amazing memories behind would always eat ice cream, but I would ask him how he could eat ice cream during the winter?  He would walk to the local convenience store on cold, snowy, wintery days and have himself a cone.  He loved it, especially in the winter, but why?   His response was, because it doesn't melt as fast and then he would chuckle under his handle bar mustache that had bits of ice cream in it.  There are plenty of things that my grandfather did that I remember, but this one really takes the cake or ice cream in this case lol.    


Film or Digital???

As digital continues to improve the quality of film over digital is hardly a debate any longer.  I love digital in that I can see if I got the shot especially with kids, did they blink, were they smiling, did you get that shot in between shots?? But film really offers that element of surprise, it really forces you to hone in on your knowledge of photography and really be very accurate on knowing your light. 

Digital photography may seem like it has taken over the industry, but film will never die. Any serious photographer that shoots digital will forever appreciate film, I know I do. They will pat any photographer on the back that will shoot an entire session on film and even better, a wedding on film.  That is truly something amazing and something I plan to work toward in the future.

What are your thoughts on Film vs Digital?? 


This image was done with the 50 flip trick, notice it needs to be cleaned hahaha.

Murfreesboro Photographer

Adventures from Tennessee to NY

When traveling it always feels like an adventure, even with all the stress and chaos involved I love every minute of it.  I love the airports, I love the coffee, I love the restaurants, and I love being in the world of others that travel as well. 

This summer we were traveling home to visit our family for the 4th of July and an early birthday party for our son, we fly Nashville to LaGuardia airport in NYC, me with stroller, purse, backpack and my 5 year old attached to the stroller handle.  We are trying to find our way through the airport and there is a woman walking alone with a hat and maybe a bag or two and that moment comes along where in your head you think is she going to move or do I move, I'm watching her body language closely to see what my next move is and as I get ready to maneuver my giant load she also decided to shift as well, yet again another moment of awkwardness occurs and we choose the same direction and I almost run her over or her me, no need to play the blame game lol.  My husband takes a quick glance and says "I think that was Susan Sarandon"  Of course my immediate thought was NO WAY.  That would never happen to me, we find our terminal and we are sitting and waiting and low and behold along comes this lady, she takes her seat.  We then all board the plane, her as well and we fly into the Buffalo airport, I quick grab the kids and scurry off to the bathroom. I return to my husband only to find out it was in fact Susan Sarandon and she was surrounded by fans asking for her autograph and she was on her way to Niagara Falls to shoot a film.  So how's that for a story, of course my husband always makes it out to be that I almost ran her over at the airport, apparently it's all on me, she's famous of course it would be my fault lol.  

Be safe on your holiday travels wherever you may end up, remember all the adventures that come with it.


Murfreesboro Photographer

Photograph with your heart. Murfreesboro Children's Photographer

Everyone chooses a specific career they wish to have because it's what they love, it's what excites them, it's what they were "meant" to do in life.  "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." Confucius.  I 100% agree with this quote, but certain jobs such as photography has many working parts.  Yes I love everything about photography, I pull out the nerd guns when it comes to winding film and hear the clicks as you switch frames, I love the when you can hear the curtain open and shut, the more buttons the better for me, I love it all.  So I got the camera part out of the way, but why photography?

When I had my second son 2 years ago and then became a stay at home mom I was going stir crazy, yes I had plenty of things to do around the house, but not anything to feed my creative needs.  I was on a mission to really understand everything about photography, I wanted to be able to provide for my family in case anything happened and I needed to find a legit job.  So this then became my motivation, I needed to make an income.  

I set out to find models and slowly moved into getting paid, this was great, or was it?? Yes I was motivated to have my own business and be a photographer. "I am a photographer" sounds so great when people ask what I do, notice a trend here??  I wanted to provide an income, needed to fulfill my creative needs, wanted to be called a photographer.  

It became all about me and how to make money.  It's not wrong nor bad to want to make money being a photographer, but not when being a portrait photographer.  We have been gifted this incredible talent that some might think anyone can do, but that's not true.  Yes anyone can pick up a camera, learn all the settings, and get great exposure, BUT not anyone can create a connection and a memory and that is the talent.  We as portrait photographers are given one of the most special assignments and that is to freeze time.  We must genuinely care about the families that we are photographing because even though you are not physically in their photo, you are in their photo. Your energy, your vision, your style, and your personality.  They will remember their experience with you when they look at their photographs.

The inspiration for this article was brought on by a slideshow a photographer had shared of a family that delivered a baby that had a known fatal illness and would pass shortly after birth.  This reminded me what being a portrait photographer is all about.  While the family will not be able to look at their sweet babies face and watch her grow into a rambunctious little girl, dancing, singing, being silly and probably give her parents a run for their money, they will always have those photos to look back at and remember their experience the first time they were able to hold their daughter.  First kisses, first glance at her little fingers and toes and the first time big brother was able to meet her. This in my book is the reason you should be a portrait photographer.  

Many might wonder if I so strongly believe that being a portrait photographer is not all about the money then why is it so expensive, to be honest if I was the photographer chosen to create a memory like this one, my time and energy would 100% be donated. I would not try in any way shape or form try to profit from something like this.  The cost of custom photography is a blog post for another day, but I will say that even if you can't afford custom photography that does not mean it's not important to have you and your family photographed, there are plenty of photographers out their that are able to meet your financial needs, it's your job to find that person.  

If you are interested in seeing the slideshow that inspired this article you can view it here, but a little warning, don't forget the tissues.

Murfreesboro Childrens Photographer

Christmas in Murfreesboro- Santa's not real!!!

As a parent of small children I love the occasional conversations about Santa, his elves, and of course the reindeer.  I love the twinkle in my kids eyes on Christmas morning when they see Santa has come.  I love that my son gives his elf (Flecco) a letter to send off to Santa and that excitement the next morning to see what Santa has wrote back.  So with all that imagination I dread the day he says Santa's not real, my friends at school said you are Santa, only babies believe in Santa.  I don't ever want that day to come, but I do have to remember that it will, but who says Santa does not exist?

Who is Santa?

Well I know who Santa is in my home and if I am correct Santa is the same in all homes.  As we tell our children, Santa works very hard all year long to get all the toys and gifts ready for all the kids on Christmas.  Santa is a very jolly soul who loves Christmas cookies and milk.  He lives in the North Pole and his home is filled with all sorts of Holiday decorations and plenty of Holiday cheer to go around and of course we can't forget those little elves that help get everything together.


So again, who is Santa?

Well Santa is all those people in your life that make up your family who work very hard all year long to give their children a wonderful Christmas.  They are the ones that spends a lot of time trying to find just the right gift that is perfect for their child. They decorate their homes in Holiday decorations to resemble Santa's home in the North Pole.  They bake those delicious cookies to share with their family and friends and to create lasting memories with their kids and the elves the people in your lives that make the holidays even more extraordinary. 


How about those families that can't afford Christmas, who is their Santa?

They are still Santa because the only thing that matters is that you have each other for the Holidays, the gifts are just the icing on the cake.  We as a community try our best to provide the icing on the cake because there should be no child left behind for the Holidays, every child deserves to have a smile on their face Christmas morning.  It is very hard for me to go and buy my kids all these crazy gifts they don't even need when in the back of my mind I am thinking about all those other kids that might wake up Christmas morning with nothing to open.  We as a community need to continue to work hard to keep the spirit of Christmas alive.  No child should ever have to doubt that Santa exists because he does. 


So one last time, who is Santa?

Santa it without a doubt 100% real, he exists within you and your community.  So when that day comes that your child says Santa is not real, remember this article and let the magic of Christmas continue on.  Bake those cookies, decorate the North Pole you call home, donate your time to help others, take them to buy a child a gift and show them they can be Santa too.  So always remember SANTA IS YOU!!!

Merry Christmas to you and your family from one Santa to another.




Murfreesboro Photographer

Murfreesboro Photographer- Where have all the clients gone?

Why am I not busy???

I have pondered this question for a very long time, but have since found the answer to my question, however there are still plenty of photographers or just business owners in general wondering the very same thing.


In this case the question usually is, I am a good photographer, but why the sound of crickets when I open my email?  

You have done all the work learning and mastering your craft so that you have a sellable product, so why is it that nobody wants to come to me, but this other photographer that is mediocre at best so busy?  Well for starters you are too busy tracking what other photographers in your area are doing that your own business is failing to thrive because your focus is elsewhere.  Sitting on the internet, especially facebook posting your favorite images of your kids is not bringing the clients.

So why do you do it?

There is always that one person who contacts you for photos the gives you that slight glimmer of hope, but guess what, that one client who books you is not bringing in all the clients you need to run a successful business.  For starters you need to figure out what type of business you want to have and who your ideal client is so you can market to this type of person.

There are a few types of clients, but you need to decide who is your ideal client.

1. The price shopper (the second you up your prices they are quickly onto someone who can do it cheaper)

2. The pinner ( they value photography, but only in the realm of things they have seen else where and they want you to recreate another persons session)

3. The Art Appreciator (this person is on the search for not just any photographer, they are looking for something that really matches who they are as a person and family and they are interested what their photographer can create unique to their family).


Now all of these clients can help to create a successful studio, but next up you need to decide what kind of studio you are interested in running.

1.  Boutique style (you put all your hours into just a few clients a month at a higher price)

2. High Volume (You bring in a larger number of clients in a month in order to bring your price down to a more affordable rate)

Neither way is wrong, you just need to figure out what is best for you.


Still the question, why am I not busy even after I have figured all of this out?

The answer is simple, the other photographers that are mediocre at best are just better business people, they understand how to run a business and successfully at that.  So while you have been mastering your craft (not a bad thing) they have been shooting and marketing circles around you, so just imagine the type of business you can have once you become a better business person.

What do I need to do?

You need to hit the streets, you need to connect with local business's and see what you can do for them in exchange for advertising space. You need to donate your services to local charity events.  You need to mingle with local photographers in your area.  You can help each other out more that you know and if you really think about it YOU are your only competition, YOU get in your own way, YOU decide how you run your business and if you are too busy worrying about what everyone else is doing then you will fail to succeed.  Get some marketing materials and start talking yourself up, yes it's okay to brag about yourself you are a walking ad for your business (don't get carried away though, it can leave a bad taste), find something that sets you apart from everyone else, something your clients can't get anywhere else, but most importantly BE CONFIDENT in yourself, your work, and your business.  

If you don't believe in your work and your business then who will?

Yep, totally posting one of my favorite images of my kid lol, I dub myself a hypocrite.

Murfreesboro Photographer

Photographing your Christmas tree - Murfreesboro Photographer

Everyone wants to have a beautiful photo of their Christmas tree, but are very unsure how to achieve the beautiful results.  It is very easy, even if you are not a professional, the results may not be the same if you are unable to control the settings, but this will definitely improve you annual tree portraits.  For starters many people make the mistake of using their flash when trying to photograph their tree, we want to maintain dimension and we also don't want to over power the lights on the tree. 

What you will need:

-tripod (you can easily find one at Walmart, Target, Kmart for about $20 or more)

(a tripod is not even totally required assuming you have a surface that you can set your camera on that will be at the desired level for your photo.)


yep that's all folks


First turn off any ambient light (any background light) For non-professionals you will need to turn the flash off on your camera, then mount it to the tri-pod and fire the trigger ( I like to use the timer so when the camera does fire I have not moved it by pushing the trigger), if you can't figure out how to turn it off find some black gaffers tape, you can find this at your local hardware store and put a strip over you flash.  Your camera will automatically choose the settings to compensate for the loss of light, thus the need for a tripod because it will automatically slow your shutter down.  For professionals you can play with your settings to achieve the results you are really looking for and don't be afraid to play around with all the components to achieve something really cool, that is the great thing about photography, not one setting is right unless of course it's totally over or under exposed and all information is totally lost, but maybe for you that's perfect.  Below are two images I captured with my Nikon D600, Wide angle 28mm 2.8, F10, .80 sec, Iso 1000.  Maybe not the most ideal setting, BUT I loved the results and so it worked for me.   Also I chose to slowly move my camera up and down while the shutter what open to create the image to the left, just play around with it.


Good Luck and remember just have fun, now onto better Christmas tree photos.

Murfreesboro Photographer

Tis the season -Family Photographer, Murfreesboro TN-

Today we went on our annual trip to the Christmas Tree Farm, my husband complains every year about the price tag, however it is a good lesson to learn from a business stand point.  He said "look we could have just got that tree and saved $$ and then it clicked, perfect example of custom photography and chain photography.  Yes we could have easily picked up a tree from Kroger, Home Depot, or Walmart, yes we could have saved x amount of money, yes it still would have been a great tree, BUT I am paying for the experience.  You don't get the hot cocoa, especially hot cocoa served with a friendly smile and a Merry Christmas. You don't get a tractor ride around the property where you get to snuggle warm with your family and there just isn't that same Holiday feeling when just snagging a tree from the parking lot.  I value that family time and so I will spend the extra dollar and create an annual event out of it.  If you and your family would love to have the same experience you should check out Country Cove Tree Farm in Murfreesboro TN.  

Here are a few images of our experience


DIY Photography Blocks


As a photographer, props play a big role in personalizing sessions for my clients.  Props can be very pricey given that all of my clients have different personalities and to keep my work looking new and fresh that also involves new props.  Given that I am still fresh in the photography world my pockets are not deep, so I have resorted to DIY and I am okay with that.  You can create things that are one of a kind like these blocks for example, yes everyone uses blocks, but you can personalize these however you see fit.  This is a very easy step by step on how I constructed these blocks.   (Note: mine are 5x5, this again goes with personalizing, yours don't have to be 5x5, but they should be a cube)


                                   What you will need

 1. cardboard
 2. scissors
 3. packing tape
 4. I used a plastic measuring board (this helps to keep your edges straight and corners square)
 5. Whatever you will use to decorate with.


STEP 1:  Cut 6 squares ( as I stated above mine are 5x5) cut to the size you prefer.   Line them up to look like a T as you can see my image is upside down. You would think as a photographer I would know to flip it, but I am sure you get the idea :)       


STEP 2:  Tape at the seams, make sure you tape them tightly together, this will ensure that your block will remain level.


STEP 3: Take the bottom of you T and tape it to the top to create your box, tape to the outside corner, and don't be stingy on the tape it will only make it stronger and you will be covering it anyways.


Your box should look something like this when you are looking at it.


STEP 4: Flip you box to close one side no need to tape the bottom shut yet, just worry about closing the top.  Again don't be stingy on the tape, now seal all of your sides on the top shut.  When finished flip and do the other side just the same.


VOILA you are finished, now I challenge you to be creative.  I used left over Burlap that I had laying around my house.  Mine are not complete yet, but I will be using felt for the letters.  Look around your house to see what you can come up with the decorate your boxes.  Try not to purchase anything unless of course you have nothing to decorate with, but who doesn't have random cardstock, stickers, paint or even glitter just lying around the house taking up space.  JUST BE CREATIVE!!!


                       GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN!!!






Posing!!! I can do that, said no child ever. -Murfreesboro Family Photography-

Photographing children is no easy feat, trust me I know.  I started out photographing my child and friends children, I didn't take a shot unless they were posed and smiling because that is what I thought was right and it's not totally wrong, but if you want the kids to have fun getting their photos taken then that is not the path to take.  

I am going to touch base on the ages I photograph the most and that is 1-7 or 8.  First things first, you MUST gain that child(s) trust.  You will not capture the true spirit of a child unless they trust you.  Imagine for a second yourself going to get your photos taken, lets even break this down to a boudoir session, something even more uncomfortable than normal, never met your photographer and you show up to have your clothing brought down to quite a bit less than what you are use to, you then get into position, maybe having not created a relationship with your photographer and then a camera is shoved in your face.  This is kind of what a kid feels like.  I never limit my sessions to just 1 hour unless I know the kid and have worked with them before.  Kids need time to warm up to someone they don't know, kids DO NOT do well under pressure and so rushing them because you have a time limit is not going to fly, you will not be successful in photographing younger children.

                                                                                        HOW TO BUILD TRUST:


For starters you introduce yourself to mom and dad, right?!  Why not do they same to the kids.  Get down to their level so you are less intimidating, ask them some things they like to do.  Ask them about their day, let them know something about yourself ( I have a little boy who is the exact same age as you, I bet you both like the same cartoons).  What is your favorite ice cream?  "Chocolate"  ooo mine too with rainbow spinkles on top.  All this is really great to get started before ever picking up the camera.  I have found that little girls are really great at sitting down and talking where little boys really want to run and play and get dirty, you really need to understand how to hone in on each child as they are all different, especially siblings.  When the kid(s) has made their way over to you and a way from mom and dad that is when you know they are comfortable with you.  This is all really great with 3 and up.  



For this age you really have to go with the flow, you have to be really gentle with your introduction, this age is less talk and a little more action.  Bubbles, balloons, lovies, tickles.  They don't quite understand the power of conversation and their attention span is extremely low. 


                                                                                       GETTING THAT SHOT!!!


Now this requires quite a bit of ninja skills and lots of running and playing.  I really try hard to not get shutter happy, however sometimes it's required.  The point of having portraits done is to remember how your kids are at that specific time in their life, so if that means their hair is wild and crazy, scrapes on the knees, they loved to be silly, or snuggle on their lovey, then that is the photo that should be captured.  Also remember that kids need a break from time to time so if one minute you are having fun and playing and the next they are done, give them a break and find something NEW and EXCITING for them to do.  Another question that always comes up from time to time is how do you get that genuine smile??  Well I know how I do it and it works well for me so give it a go and see if it works for you.  I tend to ask quite a bit of questions, and not just any questions, you have to really remove your age from the equation and turn yourself into whatever age the kid(s) is that you are photographing.  Does mommy feed you worms instead of cereal??  Do you think your beautiful dress will fit me??  Why not am I too small for it??  and so on, get creative, they will love it. 




Now parents really have a hard time throwing the parent card out the window (I know I do).  You know what makes getting photos even harder for a kid?  When mom and dad are correcting them to do what the photographer says.  This can really close a kid down and make them absolutely uninterested in having photos done at all.  Now this is not saying that this is mom and dads fault, because it's not.  They are just being mom and dad, it's what they know how to do, so as a photographer of children you need to let the parent know what is okay and how you work with kids.  Now hitting mom and dad and overall negative behavior in that way, I do not condone, that is not okay, but this is when as a photographer you try something new, separate the child and mommy or daddy and just do portraits of them for a bit and revisit that set up later.





The Digital Age -Murfreesboro Family photography-

Everything is so much easier now in the digital age.  Photography being one of those things on the top of the list.  I started out as a shoot and burner (hangs head in shame), and if you are a photographer you know exactly what that is.  I am not proud of it, but we all start somewhere.  Could you imagine before computers, if your photographer handed you your film and said have a great day?  We as photographers should be proud to have our images printed and if we are handing them over to our clients just on a disc then I feel we have done a disservice to them.  Life gets busy and we easily forget to do something as simple as print photos and before you know it, it's next year and you are starting the process over again.    

Technology is forever changing, just 20 years ago you saw VHS everywhere, then it was CD/DVD, now we are transitioning to flashdrives.  All that in just 20 years, if you wait to have your images printed from a disc just imagine what will happen in 10 years from now, will it be a challenge just to get those memories.  

You have worked so hard to learn photography, shooting until your arm falls off just to get it perfect in camera, go home and pull it up on your computer, edit for hours, hand a disc to your client and all that work you have done has a high chance of never getting displayed, serioulsy what was the point, all your hard work, for nothing.

As for your client, what a shame that their family photos sit on a disc.  The walls in your home are meant to display art and to me that is your family.  You have worked so hard to have your family, take care of your family, love your family, grow your family, all of that hard work should be displayed in your home.  Be proud and show your family off, don't just hire a photographer because they are going to give you a disc, pay the extra and let them create a gallery in your home for you, they are the expert on products that will help archive your photos for your family in the future, they have access to the best products available out there that you cannot get, they know visually what looks good (they are a photographer after all), and they know what products their images will looks best on.  

P.S. Your photographer MAY keep your images forever, but there are no guarantees


Camera invades the docs office -Murfreesboro Family Photography-

Today we started our day arguing with big brother, then off to the post office, then to grab mommies addiction (Starbucks) and then play date with our friends.  We arrived early for our play date and so a little practice in the drivers seat for Kason was just the ticket to keep him occupied.  He was all smiles and we were the only car in the parking lot with the headlights on and windshield wipers going (it was not raining in case you were wondering).  Our friends arrived and we headed inside for a day of fun, or was it???  Kason sat on my lap the whole time, I felt so bad that our friends had come all this way to visit and I didn't want to leave early so we held out as long as we could, poor little guy was so exhausted, I didn't even get out of the parking lot and he was sleeping.   

Below are a few pathetic images of the little man at the docs.


All snuggled up and tuned into the cartoons on tv

All snuggled up and tuned into the cartoons on tv

Mouth wide open due to congestion, poor little boogy boogy.  (yep that's what I call him)

Mouth wide open due to congestion, poor little boogy boogy.  (yep that's what I call him)

Oh yeah and his awesome sunglasses and the big bear yawn that took me a few times to get.

Oh yeah and his awesome sunglasses and the big bear yawn that took me a few times to get.

and of course the $45 visit to the pharmacy after the hour visit to see the doc.  Outcome of it all, slight ear infection, cold, and wheezing.  Has anyones kid had RSV and their lungs just don't seem to be as strong after having it?? …

and of course the $45 visit to the pharmacy after the hour visit to see the doc.  Outcome of it all, slight ear infection, cold, and wheezing.  Has anyones kid had RSV and their lungs just don't seem to be as strong after having it??  

And so there you have it, the kids are not safe from the camera no matter where they are.  Sleeping, doctors, potty, tub, NOWHERE!!  The life of a photographers child. They will appreciate it later. 



Enough about me!!! -Murfreesboro Family Photography-

Yes, I want to know about me readers, what do you want to hear about??  It can be any topic, photography, kid, family related.  Is there something you are curious about and would love some input on.  Obviously this is something that could totally be backed by facts or simply my opinion on the matter.   

Are you a photographer and want to know certain techniques I have done and want to know how to accomplish it as well?

Are you a hobbyest and want to know the next step to build your portfolio?

Are you a mom and want to know how to get your kiddos to arise to the occasion for a photo shoot?

A mom trying to get the hubby in on getting portraits done? 


I am an open book and now open ears. 






Fall has arrived in Murfreesboro TN

Fall is my all time favorite season as I am sure it is for a lot of people.  It has finally arrived and I had to go out and take full advantage of it's beauty especially today because it was fairly warm outside.  The boys had tons of fun playing in the leaves, can't wait to get out there again this weekend to photograph a few more families.  


Apply sunglasses now if you are sensitive to a lot of colors and enjoy!!! 


Activities for kids in Murfreesboro TN



I am always in search of places to take my kids, whether it be indoors, outdoors, festivals, free, or a few dollars.  We always buy a membership to the Discovery Center here in Murfreesboro TN.  It is especially nice during the winter months and also on very hot days in the summer.  They are constantly changing the exhibits to keep it fresh and interesting for the kids.  You can have a 1 year membership for a measly $75 or $6 per person, under 2 are free.  We like to start our day with an educational class in the morning usually held on Monday and Tuesday at 9:00 before the center opens.  This class offers dancing, counting, reading, months, seasons.  Each week the class has a different theme and it is incorporated all the way to the snack.  Here are a few images from our visit to the Discovery Center here in Murfreesboro TN.  Hope you enjoy!! 


Preparing your child for portraits, is there such a thing? -Murfreesboro family photography-

As a parent you are unfamiliar with how to "prepare" your child(ren) to get their portraits done.  You know how to be a parent to them and so when having their photos done it's no different, or is it??  I am a firm believer in letting all the rules go out the window when it comes portrait time.  I guarantee speaking as a parent you are going to be much happier with the results if you let you kid(s) be Kid(s), let them run, play, and be silly and you in turn will enjoy the experience even more.  I think the only thing you can do to prepare your kids for portraits is feed them, choose a time that is not nap time, and be sure they are not sick, the rest is left up to your child and the photographer.  These portraits are of my boys, I am sure by now they are immune to the camera, but I still have to work for the results.  How did I prepare my boys for this?  Well I  took my own advice and said lets go to the park and play, they threw leaves at me, jumped to try and reach the sky, played in the gravel, and so on.  The photographer wants a genuine smile just as much as you do, now maybe you want those shots where your kids are posed and looking so sweet and that is fine, but that goes into choosing your photographer. 

 How to choose a photographer that fits your family? 

My friend asked me why do you value your photographer over another?  I answered this with a simple, I love how clean the images are, the way she captures my family and all families, I like how down to earth she is and how helpful she is.  Now I am sure there are other photographers out there that offer this as well, but why continue to search if I already have what I like?  I guess that is how you know if your photographer is right for you.  

How did you choose your pediatrician or Family doctor?  Why should choosing your photographer be any different?  






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Halloween November 1st 2013?! -Murfreesboro Family Photography-

Here in TN, Halloween was a day late, however the kids didn't know any different.  So glad Mimi and Pa were here to visit, they were able to see the kids all dressed up in their costumes and Mimi went door to door with us, thankfully because we needed all the help we could get.  We started off with our little one a tad bit intimidated by all the costumes, a sweet boy even took his mask off and let Kason go ahead of him.  Kason was a hot mess from the start, now just imagine for a second a 2 year old with a bucket filling by the minute and refusing to let us carry it.  Let's just say we probably could have followed the trail of spilt candy to find our way back to the car.  There was even one time when the whole bucket spilled and a few nice girls stopped to help us pick them up and wished us a Happy Halloween, it's a rarity that you see young kids help out, so that was wonderful.  I hope everyone had an awesome Halloween, whether it be October 31st or November 1st.


Halloween has moved -Murfreesboro Family Photography-

Halloween has moved -Murfreesboro Family Photography-

So it's finally Halloween and the kids have waited forever to put on their costumes so they can go trick or treating, however this evening we will not be doing that.  Halloween has moved here in TN, we instead will be trick or treating on November 1st or on my dry erase calendar October 32nd (unbeknownced to me my son added a day).  We are staying safe at home this evening due to thunderstorms and high winds.  I have never (that I remember) experienced to moving of Halloween.  I decided that tonight I would host a contest on my page because I still wanted to see all the awesome costumes this evening.  If you would love to partake please share your costume at   .  Winner chosen by myself will get a Starbucks card.  

 Have a fun and safe Halloween, I look forward to seeing your costumes. 

Introducing the winner of my Costume contest this evening on my facebook page.

 This little boy is if you have kids I am sure you already know, but this is Jake from Jake and the Neverland Pirates.  Look at how happy he is to be all dressed up.  He even has his little lovey nearby to compare.  Congrats to this little guy, you are awesome.


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