Christmas Cards for Addie

I came across this story and shared it with my son.  For a 6 year old, death is still a bit confusing, but he did understand that this would possibly be her very last Christmas.  This broke his little heart.  We set out to our local craft store to pick up a lot of pink and purple (because that is what my son said would make her happy) as well as glitter and little penguin stickers.  The cost of all these items were roughly $9, but the joy it will bring the family is priceless.   This family is in a really hard place right now after getting the news that their little girl has one year left to celebrate and they just lost their dad in November.  They are requesting for a lifetime of Christmas cards to brighten their spirits, especially homemade cards.  If you have a little extra time during this holiday season I urge you to send this sweet little angel and her family a card.  Here is a preview of ours.  

I asked my son what the ornament should say, he said "I hope you get a miracle".  It's amazing to see my children care so much about someone they don't even know.  We also chose gold glitter inspired by The Gold Hope Project, if you get a chance please check them out and if you know anyone who might fall under the guidelines of the project please refer them.  I could never imagine finding out that my kids would leave the Earth before I do, but I know that watching them smile and seeing them happy until their last breath would mean the world to me.  (crying while typing this so now I am done).  Please share your Christmas Cards to Addie, I would love to see what you came up with.  

Batavia NY photographer
Batavia NY photographer
Batavia NY photographer
Batavia NY photographer
Batavia NY photographer