Western NY Lifestyle photographer

Today I am headed out to a lifestyle session.  The thing I LOVE about being a Western NY lifestyle photographer is getting to capture a family in the place they spend a lot of their time together.  Where they have had many laughs, many tears, many family meals, and many adventures.  I get to bundle all of that up and showcase them in photographs. Photographs they'll look back on and remember that couch that had the stain on the underside of the cushion from the time they shared sundaes as a family.  The kitchen they prepared holiday meals together in.  The bed they shed tears together in and most important; the rooms they brought their brand new babies home to.

When I look at photographs from when I was a child, I don't just look at the people in them, I look at everything else too! Why you wonder?  The objects in the photo typically flood me with memories and I love that! I feel as though I am re-living that moment all over again.

CLICK HERE to schedule your lifestyle session today!