Are you an Email Subscriber?

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Newsletter subscribers is where it’s at. I have been blogging for a couple of months now and I decided that it’s time to build my email list. I will make regular posts here on the blog, but I will no longer be posting model searches, sales, or any mini sessions on my social media or blog posts. I am doing this because I have many families tell me they missed my post. With how social media works, it’s entirely possible that I am missing out on meeting some really awesome people because, algorithms. Ya feel me?!

So, from now on I will be sending out newsletters on these items. If you don’t want to miss out anymore I encourage you to sign up! Don’t worry, I won’t pester your inbox with daily or weekly messages. I get enough crap email, so I get it. You will only receive a newsletter from me if it pertains to, again, model searches, sales, and mini sessions.

The 1st newsletter will be the announcement of my “Mommy & Me” gifted photo event, and there will be limited spots available.

If you don’t want to miss out, sign up here today: